Page 3 - Reviews - Thayers, Facial Toner, Witch Hazel, Alcohol-Free, Rose Petal, 12 fl oz (355 ml) - iHerb
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Customer Ratings & Reviews

Posted on May 6, 2024
Verified Purchase

Embarking on a journey down memory lane with THAYERS Lavender Witch Hazel Facial Toner has been nothing short of a delightful reunion. This timeless brand, known since my youth, has proven its mettle yet again. Let's dive into the aromatic, moisturizing wonder that is the Lavender Witch Hazel Toner: Quality Infused with Elegance (5/5): THAYERS brings a touch of timeless elegance to skincare, and this lavender-infused toner is no exception. The quality is unmistakable, leaving my skin feeling pampered and rejuvenated after each use. Cleansliness at its Best (5/5): The toner's prowess in cleansing is unparalleled. It effortlessly removes dirt and impurities, unveiling a refreshed and squeaky-clean complexion. My skin thanks me for this daily ritual of cleanliness. Moisturizing Magic (5/5): The moisturizing effect is like a gentle caress for the skin. Unlike some toners that leave your face feeling parched, THAYERS Lavender Toner ensures that my skin is not just clean but incredibly moisturized after every application. Refreshing Elixir (5/5): Ah, the refreshing burst of lavender! While opinions on the strength of the scent may vary, I find the lavender notes to be a delightful touch. The toner rejuvenates not just my skin but also my senses, making each application a mini spa moment. Better than the Expensive Competitors (5/5): Sometimes the best things come in unassuming packages. Users have attested that this toner outshines even pricier competitors, proving that quality doesn't always have to break the bank. Mixed Durability Verdict (4/5): Opinions are divided on durability, but for me, the overall benefits outweigh any minor considerations. The toner's efficacy in daily use makes it a staple in my skincare routine. Generations-Long Trust (5/5): THAYERS is a brand that has stood the test of time, transcending generations. Its legacy of trustworthiness extends beyond my own experience, connecting with others who have relied on its skincare wonders. Lavender Scent Aspiration (4/5): While I had hoped for a stronger lavender scent, the subtle notes are still a pleasant addition to my skincare ritual. The product's efficacy compensates for any scent expectations. In conclusion, THAYERS Lavender Witch Hazel Facial Toner is a testament to the enduring charm of a trusted brand. Its quality, cleanliness, and moisturizing benefits make it a staple in my skincare routine and a connection to the past. Whether you're a longtime fan or a newcomer, this toner is a timeless treasure for your skin. Cheers to THAYERS for continuing to deliver skincare excellence!